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Aquaculture Aquaculture

Lasner 2020: "Being Typical" - The representative farms method in aquaculture and fisheries

Lasner et al. 2020: Carp land: Economics of fish farms and the impact of region-marketing in the Aischgrund (DEU) and Barycz Valley (POL)

Chibanda et al. 2020: The typical farm approach and its application by the Agri Benchmark network

Avdelas et al. 2021: The decline of mussel aquaculture in the European Union: causes, economic impacts and opportunities

Huber & Lasner 2022: German aquaculture under Covid-19 - impacts of the pandemic on the sector during 2020

Nicheva et al. 2022: Collecting demographic data for the EU aquaculture sector: What can we learn?